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Hold up the hope of heart The company launched fund-raising activities for sick employees

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Hold up the hope of heart The company launched fund-raising activities for sick employees

Yan Mei, come on! On September 1 this year, Yan Mei, a 51-year-old employee of the company's electrical workshop, went to the fever clinic for examination because of a cold and fever, and found that the white blood cell index was too low. Later, she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and transferred to the First Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University for treatment. Yan Mei and her husband Qi Lianghong came to Jianghuai Electric in October 2010 to work in the electrical workshop together. The husband and wife have been working hard in the company, completing production tasks according to quality and quantity, and they are hard-working and hard-working good employees. Yan Mei's hospitalization costs like running water every day. Up to now, more than 100,000 yuan has been spent on medical expenses. At the same time, due to the lack of blood source in the hospital, plasma and platelets have to be purchased outside, and the children at home have resigned to accompany them in Suzhou. They all have to take care of themselves and cannot be reimbursed. The doctor told me that nearly one million medical expenses will be needed in the future. Lover Qi Lianghong has put the only property under the couple's name in the intermediary, ready to sell it at a low price to fill the medical expenses, but this is still a drop in the bucket for the huge treatment expenses of nearly one million. Upon learning of this situation, the party committee and trade union of the company immediately launched donation activities and issued initiatives to encourage all employees of thecompany to take action to help Yan Mei tide over the difficulties.

The company's party Committee and trade union issued to all employees

"A love, a hope"

Love donation proposal

The proposal received an immediate response after it was issued.

Everyone gave generously.

Make a donation of love

On September 29th, the company's trade union organized volunteers to conduct a live charity donation activity in front of the canteen.

Nearly 200 employees participated in the donation that day.

Everyone collects firewood with high flame, and every penny is love.

Little by little love

Transfer money and cash together through WeChat.

Dozens, hundreds

It is the selfless support of the employees for the donation of love.

The employees of the sales company spontaneously organized donations at the first time when they saw the proposal. Because most salesmen are in other places, they passed on their love through WeChat transfer. Some colleagues can't get to the scene because of things, so they entrust others to donate. Some colleagues have already conveyed their love through the workshop or department. At present, the company and its employees have raised a total of 29,092 yuan, which has been transferred by the company's trade union to Yan Mei's lover Qi Lianghong for Yan Mei's treatment and a love for her.

Charity is limited, but love is priceless. This donation activity carried forward the traditional virtue and lofty spiritual fashion of Jianghuai Electric Workers "one party is in trouble and all parties support", fully reflected the true feelings of "caring for each other and sharing weal and woe" among employees, and further enhanced the company's cohesion and centripetal force.

Let's wish Yan Mei a speedy recovery!

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